I am a biologist interested in studying global change biology and its effects on species ecology. More specifically, I want to understand how insectivorous bats will cope with climate change in the Neotropics from a sensory and physiological standpoint. I look forward to sharing my results with young students and people beyond science.
I am pursuing my Ph.D. at Universidad de Costa Rica at Gloriana Chaverri's lab with my project entitled: "The effect of climate change on insectivorous bats of montane Neotropical forests in Costa Rica"
I studied my master degree at Université François Rabelais de Tours in France, and did my internship at the Centre de Biologie pour le Gestion des Populations
I studied biology at Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador in Quito and did my dissertation at the Museum of Zoology - Mammalogy section (QCAZ-M)