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The BioBlitz - Latam took place on December 18-19-20/2020


A BioBlitz is a citizen science event in which everyone is invited to become and explorer. The goal is to search, find and register the biodiversity that we have around. 


This was the first time that a BioBlitz took place in the whole region of LatinAmerica. Find more information about the event here.






This event gathered 130 explorers in 14 countries and more that 100 localities along Latin America. Almost 6000 observations and more that 2000 species recall us about the immense biodiversity in our region. 


Citizen science are major events that contribute not only to increase the knowledge about the nature that we have around, but to increase our commitment to conserve it. 


iNaturalist is an amazing tool that that elevates the curiosity of their users to keep exploring.


Check out the storymap to read the complete story (in Spanish), or follow the BioBlitz-Latam instagram account.



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